The Emerging Leader Ascent is a transformative peer-based leadership experience that’s entirely remote and entirely affordable.

This 9-week leadership development journey helps new and emerging managers gain the confidence, skills, and insights they need to address the latest and greatest challenges of their careers.

Program Overviewpexels-karolina-grabowska-4497784 copy

100% online

Meeting schedule
There is one group meeting each week (nine meetings total), and they happen at the same time and on the same day for each of the nine weeks.

Participants are expected to dedicate 2–3 hours to this program each week, which includes the weekly group meetings. As with most things in life, you get out of it what you put in. 

It's essential to attend every group meeting, since group meetings are where the magic happens.

It's harder to learn on your own than with a trusted group of peers, which is why we designed the "peer group" aspect of this program. Come ready to engage and share your challenges.

Who it's for

This program is specifically designed for new and emerging managers who

Are 26–40 (ish) years old

Oversee at least 1 direct report or lead teams regularly

Have 1 day – 4 years managing experience

Are committed to their personal growth and development

Professional coaches

An experienced, dedicated leadership coach guides each peer group through the program, introducing concepts, leading discussions, and driving experiential learning activities.

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Talk to a coach
See upcoming program dates

Supplies Needed

This is an entirely online experience that requires some specific gear and gadgets.

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Laptop or Desktop Computer

You’ll need to be on a laptop or desktop computer (not a tablet or mobile device) for your weekly meetings and all group interactions.

This is because you’ll frequently be on a Zoom video call while also accessing and/or downloading web-based content.

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Video Camera

Your computer should also have a working video camera, which we keep on throughout the group meetings. This is because making eye contact, even from behind a screen, is crucial for forming connections. 

You’re welcome to use whatever device you want for interacting with content individually outside of weekly meetings.

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Reliable Internet Connection

To the extent that's possible, please ensure you have a solid internet connection prior to each meeting; video calls and downloading materials will require some bandwidth.

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Security & Privacy Considerations

If you're using a device owned by your employer to participate in group meetings, test your tech ahead of time since some websites and app functions may be disabled, limited, or prohibited.

Similarly, if you plan to participate in group meetings from your workplace, please be aware of your workplace’s internet security protocols and expectations for confidentiality.

Program cornerstone

Peer-based learning

Before the program begins, our grouping algorithm matches emerging leaders into small, 5–6-person peer groups with other high-achieving and like-minded rising managers from different organizations. Participants then journey through all nine weeks of the Emerging Leader Ascent with their peer group. 

This is the concept of peer-based learning, and it's a cornerstone of this program because it optimizes for trust-building and facilitates the exchange of productive feedback, ultimately creating the ideal environment for impactful and lasting learning.

Explore program topics
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Other Important Information

All Lead Belay leadership development programs are conducted in English, on Zoom.

Money-back guarantee
If you're dissatisfied with your Lead Belay experience, let us know and you'll get your money back.